Best Shoes For Summer Camp Counselors
Working as a summer camp counselor is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, but it’s also one of the most tiring. You are on your feet for up to 16 hours a day.
This means you are going to want to have the best possible footwear so you are as prepared as possible for all eventualities.
At camp you can find yourself on a basketball court one minute, going kayaking the next and before you know it you’re singing songs around the campfire.
Each of these scenarios is likely to involve a different pair of shoes. That’s why we have created this list of the best shoes for summer camp counselors, so you know exactly what you need to take with you.
Best Shoes For Summer Camp Counselors
We have split our list of the best shoes for summer camp counselors into different categories.
Depending on what role you have at summer camp or what type of summer camp you work at - remembering that there are many different types of summer camps - is going to determine what types of shoes you need as a summer camp counselor.
Before we begin though it is worth mentioning that you don’t need every single pair of shoes on this list. If you are working as a lifeguard, then a pair of water shoes is pretty essential. If however, your role is mainly based in the art barn, then you can probably afford to forego water shoes in favour of a new pair of sandals.
We have tried to choose the best shoes for camp counselors that are multifunctional and able to cater to a number of different summer camp counselor needs.
So, let’s dive into the best shoes for summer camp counselors:
Disclaimer - this blog post contains affiliate links where we can earn a commission, if you make a purchase through them (at no extra cost to you).
Bonus Tip: Buy a pair of crocs so you can wear them at camp every single day. They are super handy and are somewhat of a fashion statement at camp! You can buy crocs online.
Crocs - Best Multi-Purpose Footwear for Camp Counselors
Okay, we know what you’re thinking - why on Earth are you promoting Crocs?
We were also like you one day; we didn’t understand the hype and thought that Crocs was just for kids. But, the reality is that they can serve so many different functions at camp, and they become indispensable.
Think about it for a second:
Walking around the bunk? Wear your Crocs.
Need to grab something from the next cabin along? Wear your Crocs.
Don’t want to put on proper shoes to go to the early morning line-up? Wear your Crocs.
They are honestly an excellent summer camp shoe option, and that’s before we start talking about trading USA-themed Crocs Jibbitz with the kids…
Best Flip-Flops for Camp Counselors
For the majority of the time while you’re at camp, you’re going to be wearing trainers/sneakers, or more sturdy shoes.
For the times where you want to relax, a good pair of flip-flops or sandals will do the trick nicely.
Flip-flops are the best shoes for camp counselors when you’re lifeguarding all day and are constantly getting your feet wet, or in the evenings when you just want to chill out and let your feet breathe for a while.
Arguably the best pair of flip-flops you can get are the famous Havaianas - you know, the ones with the Brazil flag on them?
Havaianas flip-flops have been made for over 50 years and have become a staple for summer camp counselors across the US.
They are even described as being ‘as soft as marshmallows’, which simply screams summer camp!
What your new summer home might look like
Best Sandals for Summer Camp Counselors
There are times as a summer camp counselor when you find that trainers/sneakers are too cumbersome but flip-flops aren’t quite sturdy enough.
The times when you don’t fancy wearing your really heavy hiking boots but you know you might have to do a bit of running around.
For this scenario, you are going to be wanting the best sandals for summer camp counselors. By sandals, we’re not talking about simple little things you’d wear to the beach - we mean proper, multi-functional, hiking sandals.
The absolute best brand out there that offers sandals fit for summer camp counselors is Chacos.
Chacos were initially designed in 1989 by a river rafting guide from Colorado that wanted a shoe that could survive in and out of water.
Now we don’t know about you, but if a sandal can survive the mighty Colorado rapids it can probably function quite well as summer camp.
Best Water Shoes for Summer Camp Counselors
A lot of summer camp counselor roles require you to be in the water - whether you’re a lifeguard and in the water all the time or if you’re just a general counselor that gets to be in the water sporadically.
Regardless of your role, you are going to need a reliable pair of water shoes for summer camp counselors.
Similar to the sandals, you don’t want these to be any old water shoes. It is best to get something that can easily double up as sandals or comfortable shoes for relaxing in.
The Keen water sandals do exactly that - they may not be the most stylish things in the world but frankly nobody at camp is concerned with how flashy you look.
Keen are comfortable, supportive, reliable and can easily be used out of water and in the water. You couldn’t ask for anything more from a pair of shoes for camp counselors.
You’re going to be in the water a lot during the summer
Best Rainy Day Shoes for Camp Counselors
As much as we like to think otherwise, there are going to be days at camp where it rains and when it does, there is nothing worse than being unprepared and having wet feet for the rest of the day.
For the majority of camp counselors, a pair of good quality hiking boots will work just nicely. We are aware however, that not all summer camp counselors will be coming to camp with hiking boots, so here is our alternative suggestion.
Wellies, gumboots, rain boots - whatever you want to call them - are going to be really hard to pack for summer camp because they are so big. Thankfully, there are a number of ankle-high rain boots available nowadays that are perfect for summer camp counselors.
Please don’t go for a really cheap pair from anywhere though as they are likely to be super uncomfortable and have a really awkward fit. Instead we would recommend Hunter Boat Shoes - they are the best of both worlds in that they are fully waterproof but can also be used as a day-to-day shoe too.
Best Outdoor Shoes for Camp Counselors
A vital component of any good summer camp counselor packing list is a pair of reliable outdoor shoes. By this we mean a pair of hiking boots or something similar.
Naturally, you are going to be outdoors a lot during the summer and it’s important to have a pair of shoes that reflects this.
The best brand that we can recommend is Salomon. We are not huge fans of really stiff and heavy hiking boots, so we use Salomon boots because they are a lot lighter and can double up as an ordinary shoe without too much hassle.
The hiking boots that Salomon offers are super comfy and make a great addition to any summer camp counselor.
Color War - one of the highlights of the summer
Best All-round Shoes for Camp Counselors
So, are you wondering what the ultimate shoes for summer camp counselors are? Well, it’s hard to overlook a really good pair of fully waterproof trainers/sneakers.
In particular, it’s best to opt for a pair of sturdy trail runners that can function as trainers and more of an outdoor-style shoe at the same time. They are multifunctional and can serve a number of different purposes throughout the summer.
For this, we would always recommend Salomon Trail Runners - Salomon are an incredible outdoor brand that does everything from snowsports gear (Orla owns a Salomon Wonder Snowboard) to hiking shoes.
There we have it folks, our conclusive round-up of the best shoes for summer camp counselors.
We hope this guide has helped you work out which shoes you are going to be taking with you this summer. One of our best tips for being a summer camp counselor is to be as energetic as possible and without the right footwear, this isn’t going to be possible.
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